The Poole & District Branch of Parkinson’s UK have been the charity we support for a few years now but due to the Covid restrictions we haven’t been able to meet up with them. This however has not stopped our members raising funds for the charity. This has been through various events including raffles, sponsored shaves and our collection pot. Mike one of our members also painted 98 paintings during the lock down of many pets, people and vehicles which raised over £2,000. The True Lovers Knot had a charity pot which once opened had over £560 in it. The Vdub at the Pub show also donated another £300 as we displayed our motorcycle there and helped with the ‘cream teas’ for the Vintage Cycle Ride. Eventually Committee Members from the Parkinson’s Branch were able to join us for an evening where we were able to present them with a cheque for £4,839.61 which was greatly received!