
Charity Support.

The Bournemouth Norton Owners Club have always supported a local charity for many years. Recently we have been supporting the Poole & District Branch of Parkinson’s UK as one of our members suffers from Parkinson’s. Most years we have donated over a £1,000 to this charity.


In spite of lockdown restrictions, we are still managing to raise funds for our Parkinsons Charity – basically we won’t let a little thing like Covid 19 stop us raising money!

Geoff White started it off by saying that he would wait until Lockdown had eased before he had his hair cut and beard shaved off and Ally very kindly volunteered me, although it was 46 years since I had done any professional hairdressing and then it was only ladies. This didn’t put Geoff off though, but I think it was the promise of cake.

Linda Carter then threw down the challenge to husband Sean that she would donate £100 to our Branch Charity if he would shave off his newly acquired beard. Of course, he rose to the challenge well he is a Norton rider after all. So, on 6th June he did the deed and Linda paid up. Well done you two.










Mike Wells decided to make use of his lockdown pare time by doing some acrylic artwork from photographs, with the proceeds going to the Club Parkinsons Charity. I don’t think he quite realised how popular it would be and has completed 47 paintings so far with another 6 on commission. The subjects range from family pets to motorbikes and he estimates that he has raised in excess of £500 so far and some of the funds have been paid directly to the Charity. Brilliant work Mike.

Finally, once the restrictions had been lifted on hairdressing Geoff was finally able to have his locks shorn on Saturday 11 July. The venue of Ally and Neil’s garden was decided as suitable and Neil erected the Norton Marquee and Mike joined us with some of his paintings. Only a limited number of spectators were allowed due to restrictions but social distancing was observed and tea was provided by Ally and cake was provided by me.

I decided that I needed to comply with regulations so I dressed as Sweeny Todd the Demon Barber complete with a rechargeable hedge trimmer (1 meter length) welding visor (suitable face covering) and leather gauntlet gloves (suitable hand protection) the red rubber apron was only worn to stop the blood showing if I made a slip with the hedge cutter. Twenty minutes later and the deed was done with much laughing and mickey taking! (just normal for our mob!)

Donations were collected on our first post lockdown meeting on 15 July and the money in the pot totalled an amazing £325 which included Linda & Sean’s £100 and some painting money. We estimate that in total we must have raised £700+ during the lockdown period – well done to everyone it just shows what a caring, sharing group of friends we are.


Upcoming Events

8:00 am CRMC Classic Motorcycle Festival @ Donington Park Race Circuit
CRMC Classic Motorcycle Festival @ Donington Park Race Circuit
Jul 27 @ 8:00 am – Jul 28 @ 6:00 pm
CRMC Classic Motorcycle Festival @ Donington Park Race Circuit
The NOC will have a display of race bikes at the CRMC Classic Festival. Plus some of the bikes will be taking part in the parades both days.
7:30 pm Club Meeting @ True Lovers Knot
Club Meeting @ True Lovers Knot
Jul 31 @ 7:30 pm – 11:00 pm
Club Meeting @ True Lovers Knot | Tarrant Keyneston | England | United Kingdom
Club Meeting Held at the True Lovers Knot, Tarrant Keyneston. Blandford Forum DT11 9JG
7:30 pm Club Evening Run @ The Fiddleford Inn
Club Evening Run @ The Fiddleford Inn
Aug 7 @ 7:30 pm – 11:00 pm
Club Evening Run @ The Fiddleford Inn
The Fiddleford Inn, Fiddleford. Bikes meet at the Secretary’s House, Tarrant Keynston. 7.15pm.
12:00 pm BSB Thruxton @ Thruxton Race Circuit
BSB Thruxton @ Thruxton Race Circuit
Aug 9 @ 12:00 pm – Aug 11 @ 6:00 pm
BSB Thruxton @ Thruxton Race Circuit | England | United Kingdom
We have once again been invited to display our bikes at the Thruxton round of British SuperBikes. You can either attend for one or two days. There will be camping available for the weekend. You[...]